Monday 15 June 2009


I throw my bowl of cereal and watch the milk and branflakes swoosh over the table and drip onto the floor.

I throw my nectarine and it splats onto the kitchen cupboard.

I throw my juice cup onto the carpet and the lid comes off and I watch the puddle of blackcurrant spread.

I throw my book at Lily-Rose's head and wait for her to cry.

I throw my sun-hat into the river and watch it disappear.

I throw my grapes at Luca and wait for the big shout.

I throw my pasta onto the walls, the floor, the curtains, the cupboards, and see the big red patches of sauce.

I throw my whole plate onto the floor and wait for the cross voice.

In the garden, I throw everything I can find over the fence... I stand and peep through the gap to see where the things have landed.

I throw myself onto the floor...

Ever since Zac discovered that he could throw, he has enjoyed flinging things! As a baby and toddler he used to spend hours throwing his toys up into the air with a flick of his wrist that would make them spin.

Unfortunately his love of throwing has its downside, as you can see, especially at mealtimes. He will suddenly, and without warning or provocation, fling his food across the room, resulting in a huge clean-up operation and yet another spoilt dinner.

It seems that throwing is almost compulsive with Zac, and he gets such huge sensory feedback from throwing that this is his “reward” for doing it. (You’ll remember from previous posts that he suffers from Sensory Processing Disorder.)

It also seems to be a way for him to explore cause and effect, as he clearly enjoys the reaction that his throwing produces, as well as the sensation itself! We therefore try to keep any reaction to a minimum as much as possible… sometimes a very difficult thing to do.

We have tried every strategy in the book to help Zac to stop inappropriate throwing, but without success so far.

WHITE text is me, "speaking" as Zac
GREEN text is direct quotes from Zac
GREY text is background commentary or explanation


  1. Throwing is very popular in this house-hold too as you could see by my facebook status, the beaker hit me on the head twice in one day. She will take things of the worktop and launch them with no hesitation. We recently stocked up on plastic cups and even plastic wine glasses. A professional once told me that lou lou should be drinking from a 'proper' cup now! she doesnt live with it! its just no practical at the moment.

  2. No, I agree. Everything in our house is plastic too! Zac still drinks from a beaker with a lid - there's no way can have a "proper" cup!!!

  3. Katie I used Zac as an illustration recently in a talk I gave at church. It was the incident when he threw his favourite teddy into the Medway and Steve and Alien climbed down to get it back. Just reminded me of it when I read this. I love the way you help us to see things from Zac's perspective- it helps to see things from his view. I love reading this as it s so insightful. Thanks for sharing... Charisxx

  4. Aw thanks Charis! I do remember that well - "Bedtime Bear" got a real dunking!! x

  5. You certainly have a lot of insight when it comes to your son. Great post! :)
