Monday, 18 May 2009


Today I am silent. I do not want to speak, but everyone keeps asking me questions all the time. "Zac, what do you want on your toast - jam or Marmite? Jam or Marmite? Zac! JAM or MARMITE?" I do not want to speak. "Zac, is Lily-Rose your brother or your sister?" "Zac, is Grandma's top pink or blue? Pink or blue Zac?" I do not want to speak. "Zac, are you happy or sad today? Happy Zac? Or sad Zac? Zac! Look at Mummy! Happy or sad?"

I do not want to speak.
I want Marmite on my toast. I know that Lily-Rose is my sister. Grandma's top is pink.

I am happy.
But I do not want to speak.

WHITE text is me, "speaking" as Zac
GREEN text is direct quotes from Zac
GREY text is background commentary or explanation


  1. As someone who know Zac this definitely rings true. Loving the blog already and hoping it will help me to understand Zac better.

    Thanks Katie!


  2. Glad you're enjoying it, Anna. It's pretty cathartic writing it too! x

  3. As Mum to a boy on the Autistic Spectrum (but not severely affected) - this really rang a bell. My son recently wrote us (his Mum and Dad) some rules he would like us to follow (also some rules for himself) and the first on the list was "only ask once".

  4. Thanks Anne - you're right of course, and we do try to give him enough time to answer a question (especially as he has so little language), but sometimes we are just trying to hard to connect with him, that aren't giving him enough space. Thanks for your comment and I hope you enjoy the blog.
