Sunday 17 May 2009

Welcome and Introduction

Welcome to Zachary's Zoo. This first post is me, Katie, typing. I am Zachary's mother, and in this blog I will attempt to be Zac's voice, to give a little window into the life of a beautiful boy who views the world through a severely Autistic brain.

In future posts, I will be "speaking" as Zac... attempting to say what I think he would say, if he could.

Recently Zac has developed a little language of his own. When I am quoting Zac directly, I will be using green text. Any explanations or background commentary will be in grey text.

Zac has a little brother, Luca, who is 5, and a baby sister, Lily-Rose, 4 months old. Adjusting to the new baby has been difficult for Zac and has brought out his violent side. Yesterday he said:

"A different Zac. A different Mummy. A different Daddy. A different Luca. A different Lily-Rose."

Was Zac saying that he WANTS us all to be different? Or that we ARE different? Or something else? It was really this that prompted me to start this blog. I want to understand my son more, and to remember all the amazing things he is saying and doing.


  1. What a splendid idea. It sounds like the quote is quite profound. Are you all different now Lily-Rose has arrived (she, herself, being different)?

    I look forward to following this.


  2. Fascinating idea Katie, I would love to follow your (or Zac's) blog.

  3. Thanks guys! It's a bit of an experiment - hopefully will be interesting!

  4. I think that this blog is an absolutly fascinating idea...just working with Zach on 1:1 basis through work has given me an insight into autism (and zachs amazing echolia). This is truly a different experince on its own and its brilliant to actually see how zach feels and reacts to different things each day....keep up the blog Katie, its brilliant :-)
